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Real estate transactions

We advise the most active players in all areas of real estate and specialise in complex real estate transactions.

We specialise in complex real estate transactions involving both asset and corporate transfers of all types of commercial properties, property development projects, portfolios and real estate companies. We understand the importance of tailored advice and work closely with our clients to ensure cost-effective and commercial solutions that optimise both buying and selling.


Quote by Søren Kopp

We create customised, cost-effective solutions for real estate transactions ranging from single properties to large portfolios, with an inte-grated approach that unites ownership structures, investment strategies and financing options to ensure the best commercial results

Søren Kopp
Søren Kopp

Our team is skilled at integrating advice on ownership structures, investment strategies and financing options early in the process to ensure a holistic approach. We recognise the dynamic nature of real estate transactions and continuously adapt, enabling us to navigate through complex transaction processes with a clear focus on achieving the best commercial outcomes for our clients.

Quote by Client testimonial

Bruun & Hjejle probably have the best team in the country to handle complex matters.

Client testimonial
Chambers and Partners