Our responsibility
In 2022, we joined the UN Global Compact − the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative. By joining the Global Compact, we have committed to observing the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Based on international conventions and agreements, the principles provide a common ethical and practical framework for corporate responsibility and allow us to apply an even more structured approach to our corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts.
The mission of the Global Compact is to mobilise a global movement of responsible companies to create a better world. This is to be achieved based on ten fundamental principles to be observed by all companies joining the Global Compact. Members of the Global Compact commit to adhering to a set of fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption – areas that are already given a high priority at Bruun & Hjejle.
Environment and climate
Bruun & Hjejle is a knowledge-intensive service business and therefore inherently has a limited climate footprint compared with manufacturing businesses, for example. But that does not mean that we should not take action to fight climate change. We are conscious of our responsibility for the environment and the climate, and it is our ambition to contribute proactively to a sustainable future.
We are continuously working on initiatives to reduce our environmental impact. These initiatives include:
- using green electricity from wind turbines in Denmark and reducing our energy consumption generally in contexts in which it is possible and safe
- reducing our consumption of paper and packaging by using digital communication
- using eco-labelled products
- redistributing electronic equipment
- reducing the use of plastic bottles and packaging
- reducing food waste
- increasing the use of organic food
- serving climate-friendly food and having meat-free days
In addition to joining the UN Global Compact, we have signed up for a collaboration with Rambøll, the aim of which is to map out our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions to be reflected in our climate accounts. This will enable us to actively work to reduce our emissions and form a basis for defining long-term targets allowing Bruun & Hjejle to be an even larger contributor to the green transition.
Pro bono work
Bruun & Hjejle’s advisory services build on a broad interest in the Danish business sector and the Danish society as a whole. We contribute to a series of activities, using our legal expertise to show corporate responsibility, e.g. by forming partnerships that make a positive difference in the world around us. In this context, we work pro bono for a number of social and charitable organisations, and several of our partners serve on the boards of or act as advisers to a number of non-profit organisations.
Human rights
At Bruun & Hjejle, we consider respect for human rights a prerequisite for running one of Denmark’s leading law firms. We house Club Lannung, the framework for the University of Copenhagen’s participation in the Nordic moot court competition on the European Human Rights Convention. Furthermore, Bruun & Hjejle has restricted its contact with clients, suppliers and governments that have special challenges in the human rights area.
Anti-corruption, anti-bribery and compliance
Bruun & Hjejle has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption, aiming for a culture that centres on our commitment to corporate responsibility. We have know-your-client procedures and business procedures in place, combined with continuous training of all employees to ensure embedding in our organisation. Compliance is of utmost importance in society in general and of course also at Bruun & Hjejle. For that reason, we have a wide range of internal procedures for compliance with anti-money laundering legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation and IT security as well as values ensuring that we all know how to act appropriately and honestly in relation to clients and society at large. We have a continuous focus on ensuring that all employees of Bruun & Hjejle undergo IT security and compliance training.