Christian Johansen
- Construction
- Dispute Resolution
- Energy and Infrastructure

Christian Johansen specialises in the legal matters of construction and has for more than 25 years provided advice to Danish and international parties in the construction industry (builders, contractors, architects, engineers, banks, guarantee companies, etc.) on the conclusion of contracts, disputes during the execution and handling of disputes in settlement negotiations, legal proceedings, arbitration proceedings, etc.
Rankings (Panel content)
Christian Johansen is ranked in Band 1 in Construction in Chambers and Partners, and Highly Regarded Individual in IFLR1000.
Within the field of Construction clients highlight Christian as:
“one of the top construction lawyers in Denmark.”, “defines what are the important aspect of a case, and is capable of running a very structured process.”, “a very good feeling for what kind of advice his clients need, and when they need it.”, “profoundly knowledgeable and has led a number of high-end cases, including multibillion euro arbitration.”, “knowledgeable, efficient and trustworthy.” (Client testimonial, Chambers and Partners)
Within the field of Dispute Resolution clients describe Christian as:
“The excellent Christian Johansen focuses on construction-related disputes. He advises both domestic and international clients on contentious issues arising during the construction phase and beyond. Noted for his expertise on matters related to oil and gas.” (Client testimonial, Chambers and Partners)
Publikationer (Panel content)
- Bygherrens Ændringsret (1999) [Variations in Construction Contracts]
- AB92 § 46 og 400 sager om sagkyndig beslutning (2004) [AB92 § 46 and 400 cases on adjudication]
- T:BB 2001.6, Afregning af entreprenørens ændringsarbejder – om enhedspriser og AB92 § 14 [Quantification of Variations – on Unit Rates and AB92 § 14]
- Festskrift til DSFB (1999), Sagkyndige beslutninger, jf. AB92 § 46 – problemstillinger etc. [Adjudication, cf. AB92 § 46 – Specific Issues etc.]
- T:BB 2012.144, Rådgiverens ansvar for kvaliteten af bygherrens udbudsmateriale (with Tanja Nielsen) [The Responsibility of the Engineer related to Tender Documents]
- ICLR 2013.266, The Emergency Arbitrator in Construction
- T:BB 2013.687, Ole Hansen: Entrepriseretlige mellemformer (review) [Modern Construction Contracts]
- Entreprisegarantier, sagkyndige beslutninger og hurtige afgørelser (2019) [On bonds, adjudication and fast track arbitration]
Medlemskaber (Panel content)
- The Danish Bar and Law Society
- Danish Arbitration
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (FCIArb)