Social cohesion
We put team before ego – in the way we work as well as in the way we interact with one another. Social cohesion defines our corporate culture at Bruun & Hjejle, and we do our utmost to ensure our employees’ well-being.
We have a specifically tailored programme for new assistant attorneys and commercial law associates, social committees focused on sports and other activities run by employees, celebration of admissions to the bar and other milestones and much more. Strong social cohesion is a key priority at Bruun & Hjejle, because we want our employees to thrive professionally as well as socially.
At Bruun & Hjejle, we interact with one another both professionally and socially. Everybody knows everybody, and we feel this has a positive impact in all collaborative contexts. Our cohesion is further strengthened through professional and social events for the entire firm as well as for the individual departments and employee groups.
Staff committees
Bruun & Hjejle has a number of staff committees supporting social cohesion. The B&H Sports club and the B&H Football club are among some of our more physically active clubs. B&H Sports organises sporting activities for every taste. For example, we have had badminton, paddle tennis, climbing, obstacle race, e-sport and cycling events. B&H Football is a club for our football enthusiasts. B&H Football participates in the prestigious football tournament for the legal profession, and our team enjoys strong support from the rest of the organisation when the big law firms go up against one another on the football field.
Our more festive committees include a Social Events committee and a Friday Bar committee. The Social Events committee organises a couple of Bruun & Hjejle’s traditional parties, including the summer party in August and the New Year’s party in January, which many employees look forward to with great anticipation every year. The Friday Bar committee creates a cheerful setting for about five events a year with themes such as Oktoberfest, Quiz & Drinks and Exotic Friday Bar. Finally, we have an Activities committee, which is in charge of organising all manner of alternative events, including trapshooting, outdoor theatre, cinema trip and paintball.
In addition to the committee events organised and run by employees, we participate in the annual DHL relay race, at which employees across the organisation meet to run a leg or walk in a relay race and hang out with each other after finishing. There is generally really good support for the DHL relay race, and our amazing kitchen team makes sure we do not go thirsty or hungry.
Admissions to the bar
It is hard not to get just a little bit excited when our assistant attorneys are admitted to the bar. At Bruun & Hjejle, we mark the occasion by hosting a festive event at Bruun & Hjejle for family, friends and colleagues.
Great efforts for students, assistant attorneys and commercial law associates
At Bruun & Hjejle, we think it is important to make great efforts for our many assistant attorneys, commercial law associates and students, for instance by offering initiatives, clubs and events that support social cohesion. Launch is one of the many initiatives ensuring that the assistant attorneys and commercial law associates get off to a good start, both professionally and socially. Learn more about Launch here. In addition, the assistant attorneys, commercial law associates and students have their own social committees, which organise parties for the students and for the assistant attorneys/commercial law associates, respectively.
Medarbejderdrevne udvalg
Bruun & Hjejle har en række medarbejderdrevne udvalg, som støtter op om det sociale sammenhold. Blandt de mere aktive udvalg er B&H Sport og B&H Fodbold. B&H Sport arrangerer sportsaktiviteter, som rummer noget for enhver smag. Tidligere har vi for eksempel haft badminton, padel, klatring, forhindringsløb, e-sport og cykelløb på programmet. B&H Fodbold er for de fodboldglade medarbejdere. B&H Fodbold deltager i den prestigefyldte advokatfodboldturnering, hvor der er god opbakning fra resten af huset, når de store advokatfirmaer tørner sammen på fodboldbanen.
Af de mere festlige udvalg har vi festudvalget og fredagsbarudvalget. Festudvalget arrangerer et par af de traditionsrige fester, bl.a. sommerfesten i august og nytårsfesten i januar, som mange medarbejdere forventningsfuldt ser frem til hvert år. Fredagsbarudvalget skaber hyggelige rammer for ca. fem fredagsbarer om året, og her har vi blandt andet prøvet kræfter med oktoberfest, quiz & drinks og eksotisk fredagsbar. Endelig har vi Aktivitetsudvalget, som sørger for alternative arrangementer, hvor kun fantasien sætter grænser. Her har vi prøvet kræfter med bl.a. lerdueskydning, udendørsteater, biograftur og paintball.
Udover de medarbejderdrevne initiativer deltager vi i den årlige DHL Stafet, hvor medarbejdere på kryds og tværs mødes for at løbe, gå og hænge ud med hinanden efter stafetten. Der er som regel god opbakning til DHL Stafetten, og vores fantastiske køkken sørger for, at vi hverken mangler vådt eller tørt.
Det er svært ikke at blive en smule begejstret, når vores fuldmægtige opnår deres bestalling, og derfor markerer Bruun & Hjejle disse begivenheder med fejringer, som foregår i festlige rammer hos Bruun & Hjejle med familie, venner og kolleger.
Gode indsatser for studerende og fuldmægtige
Det er vigtigt for Bruun & Hjejle at skabe gode indsatser for vores mange fuldmægtige og studerende, blandt andet i form af tilbud, som støtter op om det sociale sammenhold. Launch er et af de mange initiativer, som sikrer, at de fuldmægtige kommer godt fra start fagligt og socialt. Læs mere om Launch her. Herudover har de fuldmægtige og studerende selv egne festudvalg, der sørger for fester for henholdsvis studenter- og fuldmægtiggruppen.